Jumat, 25 September 2015

Benefits of Guava (Psidium guajava Linn) for diarrhea, Diabetes, lose weight (diet), skin, hypertension and Preventing Cancer

Benefits of Guava (Psidium guajava Linn) for diarrhea, Diabetes, lose weight (diet), skin, hypertension and Preventing Cancer 

Guavas are plants in the Myrtle family (Myrtaceae) genus Psidium, which contains about 100 species of tropical shrubs and small trees. They are native to Mexico, Central America, and northern South America. Guavas are now cultivated and naturalized throughout the tropics and subtropics in Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia, the Caribbean, subtropical regions of North America, Hawaii, New Zealand, Australia and Spain.

Guava fruit oval fruit with yellowish green skin. The flesh is white and red, soft textured, sweet, and there are lots of small seeds in the middle.

The content of nutrients and phytonutrients zal
  • Vitamin C (9 times more than oranges).
  • Minerals iron, potassium / potassium, calcium, and phosphorus
  • Pectin and tannins.
  • fiber.

Here are some Health Benefits of Guava (Psidium guajava Linn) for Health :

Preventing Cancer
Guava contains cancer-fighting antioxidant, lycopene. Lycopene in guava more readily absorbed than those from tomatoes due to differences in cell structure. All types of guava contains high antioxidant, especially in fleshy red guava.

reduce hypertension
Guava is a fruit that should be consumed regularly if you want to shy away from a heart attack. The fruit is a hypoglycemic in nature and rich in fiber is beneficial for lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels. In addition, a medium-sized guava could meet 20 percent of the daily requirement of the body in potassium. Research also shows regularly consume potassium can lower blood pressure.

Treating diarrhea
Guava plant has astringent, a chemical that will shrink the tissues of the body. This is why the gums will feel harder and fresh after we chew guava. Furthermore guava leaves also contain antibacterial substances that can prevent bacterial growth when exposed to diarrhea or dysentery. Other bacteria killer in this fruit is karetinoid, vitamin C and potassium.

Cough and flu
Guava leaves are eaten raw or uncooked fruit juices made credible hereditary as cough and cold medicine. This herb works by reducing the formation of mucus and make free respiratory tract infection. Guava fruit is also rich in vitamin C and iron are effective to inhibit influenza virus infection.

Caring for the skin
The content in guava astringet will improve skin texture and tighten sagging skin started. Not only that guava also contain vitamins A, C and potassium which has a function as an antioxidant. These nutrients will help the detoxification process and keep skin healthy and free of wrinkles.

Preventing constipation

High fiber content in guava effective to prevent constipation or constipation. Medium sized guava fruit contains 36 percent of the recommended fiber needs. In addition, seed is also a powerful laxative that works to help cleanse the bowel exhaust system.

lose weight
The fruit has a component that is necessary for weight loss, for example, fiber, protein and vitamins. It also makes the stomach feel fuller. Medium-sized guava intake at lunch was enough to block the stomach until dinner.

Sprue stomach
Vitamin C is contained in guava four times higher than the vitamin C found in oranges. In addition, the fruit is also a panacea for thrush, a disease characterized by swollen and bleeding gums.

Caring for teeth
Consumption of guava juice for treating the gums, swollen and bleeding gums overcome.

Diabetes Mellitus
Guava which has been boiled and take water to drink is believed to cure Diabetes Mellitus 

Our hope this article entitled "Benefits of Guava (Psidium guajava Linn) for diarrhea, Diabetes, lose weight (diet), skin, hypertension and Preventing Cancer" can be useful for visitors or readers. 

Health Benefits of Pear for Preventing heart disease and Controlling blood sugar levels

Health Benefits of Pear for Preventing heart disease and Controlling blood sugar levels

What are The Health Benefits of Pear for Preventing heart disease and Controlling blood sugar levels 

The pear is any of Several tree and shrub species of the genus Pyrus / paɪrəs /, in the family Rosaceae. It is also the name of the pomaceous fruit of Reviews These trees. Several species of pear are valued for Reviews their edible fruit, while others are Cultivated as ornamental trees.
Fruit with white flesh and contains a lot of water is indeed very fresh edible, especially during the afternoon heat. Not only can eliminate hunger because of high water content, pear save a lot of good health benefits for the body and skin.

read : Health Benefits of Pear fruits (Pyrus ussuriensis) for your body

As reported by the stylecraze.com, pear very many benefits and one of them is able to prevent cancer. The high fiber and water in a pear that are anti-carcinogenic can help smooth and cleanse the digestive system that can prevent colon cancer. Eat a pear a day even able to prevent breast cancer in women by 34% while after menopause.

Here are some Health Benefits of Pear for Preventing heart disease and Controlling blood sugar levels

Counteract free radicals
Pear to have vitamin C, vitamin K and copper that can fight free radicals that cause cell damage and premature aging.

Preventing heart disease
Eat fibrous foods such as pears every day can reduce the risk of heart disease. Fiber and water in a pear able to lower cholesterol levels in the blood and keep the blood circulation smoothly. Because of this the heart can be protected from various cardiovascular diseases.

Controlling blood sugar levels
Although pear sweet, but surprisingly, this fruit has a low glycemic load that is safe for your consumption with diabetes or do not want to develop diabetes. Because pears are legion, if still in doubt, you can also choose pears that are not so sweet.

Thus I created this article to provide information on the "Health Benefits of Pear for Preventing heart disease and Controlling blood sugar levels" may be able to give a good knowledge for the readers. If this article is pleased and feel good, would you to share this article via Facebook, Twitter so your friends know this information.

Rabu, 23 September 2015

Amazing Health Benefits of Lychee "Litchi" for Beauty and your body

Amazing Benefits of lychee fruit for Health

What are the Amazing Health Benefits of Lychee "Litchi" for Beauty and your body

The lychee is the sole member of the genus Litchi in the soapberry family, Sapindaceae. It is a tropical and subtropical fruit tree native to the Guangdong and Fujian provinces of China, and now cultivated in many parts of the world.

Delicious and juicy lychee or "Litchi" heralds you the arrival of summer. Besides being sweet and nutritious, these berries bring cooling effect on the human body to beat the scorching summer heat. Botanically, this exotic fruit belongs to the family of Sapindaceae, and named scientifically as Litchi chinensis.

Here are some Amazing Health Benefits of Lychee "Litchi" for Beauty and your body :

Preventing cancer
Lychee contains flavonoids that are very effective for fighting cancer. In addition to flavonoids, lychee also contains Quercitin and kaempferol which may help in reducing the spread of cancer cells.

Maintaining a healthy heart
Lychee is rich in polyphenols which can improve heart health. In addition, the nutrient content will also help stabilize blood pressure and heart rate so you can be protected from stroke and other coronary heart disease.

Improves digestion
Lychee has astringent properties which can cleanse your digestion of toxins and bacteria that cause abdominal pain.

strengthen bones
Lychee is a source of phosphorus and magnesium, which helps to maintain bone strength.

brighten skin
It turns out that lychee is also beneficial for skin health. Good nutrition in it to get rid of acne and improving blood flow in the skin so that the skin look younger.

Enhance immunity
Lychee also contains vitamin C which can boost your immune system. Vitamin C could ward off infectious diseases such as colds and flu.

Streamlining the metabolic system
Vitamin B is contained in the lychees able to facilitate the body's metabolic system in the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Thus I created this article to provide information on the "Amazing Health Benefits of Lychee "Litchi" for Beauty and your body" may be able to give a good knowledge for the readers. If this article is pleased and feel good, would you to share this article via Facebook, Twitter (@D_Vegetarian) so your friends know this information.

Good Luck :)

Sabtu, 19 September 2015

Health Benefits of Ambarella Juice For Beauty and Body

Health Benefits of Ambarella Juice (Golden Apple, June plum, buah long long, kedondong) For Beauty and Body

Health Benefits of Ambarella Juice (Golden Apple, June plum, buah long long, kedondong) For Beauty and Body

Spondias dulcis (syn. Spondias cytherea), known commonly as ambarella, is an equatorial or tropical tree, with edible fruit containing a fibrous pit. It is known by many other names in various regions, including kedondong in Indonesia, buah long long among the Chinese population in Singapore, pomme cythere in Trinidad and Tobago, Dominica, Guadeloupe, and Martinique, June plum in Bermuda and Jamaica, juplon in Costa Rica,golden apple in Barbados and Guyana, jobo indio in Venezuela, cajá-manga and cajarana in Brazil and São Tomé and Príncipe, quả cóc in Vietnam, manzana de oro in Dominican Republic.

Ambarella fruit salad and many processed into of candied. But recently has been the fruit is also often processed into drinks that have a lot of efficacy, which is ambarella juice. Here's his explanation about the benefits of ambarella juices for health.

Health Benefits of Ambarella Juice For Beauty and Body

Amazing Benefits of Drinking Ambarella Juice (Spondias dulcis, Golden Apple, Kedondong, buah long long) for beauty and your body :

1. Containing Protein And Fat
Ambarella fruit contains protein and fat, although not in significant amounts at least been able to ensure adequate intake of protein and fat in the body.

2. Keeping the Immune System
In this fruit also contains vitamin C are fairly high that contribute to produce white blood cells. White blood cells serves to maintain the immune system. In addition, it also contains antioxidants that are useful to accelerate wound healing and collagen.

3. Streamlining Digestive System
Quite high fiber content contained in it serves to facilitate the digestive system and nourish the digestive organs.

4. Targeted Needs Sugar Healthier
Ambarella has natural sugar content, sucrose. Natural sugar is certainly a healthy sugar when compared to other sugar content. It is recommended to consume this Ambarella juice.

Other advantages of consuming Ambarella juice is more rapidly digested by the body so the sooner efficacy is obtained than eating the fruit directly. This juice is not recommended for patients with diseases of the stomach, if you want to eat you should consult your doctor.

Thus I created this article to provide information on the "Health Benefits of Ambarella Juice For Beauty and Body" may be able to give a good knowledge for the readers. If this article is pleased and feel good, would you to share this article via Facebook, Twitter (@D_Vegetarian) so your friends know this information.

Good Luck :)

Selasa, 15 September 2015

Amazing Health Benefits Tomato Juice for Babies

What are the Amazing Health Benefits Tomato Juice for Babies

The tomato is the edible, often red fruit/berry of the nightshade Solanum lycopersicum, commonly known as a tomato plant. The species originated in the South American Andes and its use as a food originated in Mexico, and spread throughout the world following the Spanish colonization of the Americas. Its many varieties are now widely grown, sometimes in greenhouses in cooler climates.

Health Benefits Tomato Juice for Babies

Who does not know tomatoes. Colored fruits are round and red is usually used to pelangkap cuisine. The addition of this fruit serves as a natural flavoring dishes. The tomato fruit containing umami taste.

There are several types of tomatoes are used for cooking, but that is often used is the fruit of tomatoes and small tomatoes (cherry tomatoes). The virtue of tomatoes contains vitamins A and C are high. Vitamin A is good for eye health, Vitamin C to boost the immune system.

The red color in tomatoes showed that lycopene substances phytochemical compounds that act as antioxidants. Vitamin A is good for toddlers. Requirement of vitamin A for children aged 1-3 years is 300 micrograms per day (1,000 IU). While for children aged 4-8 years, need 400 micrograms per day (1,300 IU), and for children 9-13 years of 600 micrograms per day (2,000 IU).

Read Also:
In one medium-sized tomato fruit weighing about 60 grams are vitamin A content of about 600-1000 IU. This means, for toddlers aged 1 year vitamin A requirement can be met by consuming tomatoes 1 or 2 pieces.

How to consume tomatoes for toddlers is the way smoothed. Tomatoes washed, then blansir using hot water. Then peel the skin. Seeded, cut into pieces and add water. Then crushed / blended. If it tastes too sour for toddlers can be added to a mixture of sweet fruits such as papaya.

Thus I created this article to provide information on the "Amazing Health Benefits Tomato Juice for Babies" may be able to give a good knowledge for the readers. If this article is pleased and feel good, would you to share this article via Facebook, Twitter so your friends know this information.

Good Luck !.

Health Benefits of Asparagus for Pregnant Women and breast-feed

Health Benefits of Asparagus for Pregnant Women and breast-feed

What are the Amazing Health Benefits of Asparagus for Pregnant Women (During Pregnancy) and breast-feed

Asparagus is a young tender stem vegetable, erupting from its underground root-system. Its flvorful spears were well recognized since ancient Greeks and Romans as a prized delicacy. One of the oldest recorded vegetables, it thought to have originated along the coastal regions of eastern Mediterranean and Asia Minor regions.

It was once classified in the lily family, like its Allium cousins, onions and garlic, but the Liliaceae have been split and the onion-like plants are now in the family Amaryllidaceae and asparagus in the Asparagaceae. Asparagus officinalis is native to most of Europe, northern Africa and western Asia, and is widely cultivated as a vegetable crop.

Asparagus crowns are planted by early spring. It grows into tall branched stems, bearing fine fern-like green needles (phylloclades); giving the whole plant an overall feathery appearance. Fresh crop can also be established by direct seeding or through transplanting 10-12 week-old seedlings. A fully-grown plant reaches about 5 feet in height. Young scaly edible spears emerge from the underground extensive matted root systems, which can be ready for harvesting by early spring.

Health Benefits of Asparagus for Pregnant Women and breast-feed

The amount of the nutrient content that exist on asparagus makes this vegetable have quite a lot of health benefits. The benefits are as follows.

1. Maintaining a healthy heart
Asparagus contains folic acid which is important for the health of the cardiovascular system. Drink a little asparagus juice mixed with honey three times a day can help strengthen the heart health condition.

2. Keeping the digestive system
Asparagus is rich in fiber content and it's all very well to keep your digestive system remains in the best condition. In addition, asparagus is rich in minerals and carbohydrate called inulin that can not be digested. However, this is inulin in the colon can be a good food bacteria such as Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli.

3. Anti-inflammatory
Asparagus contains phytochemical compounds that are anti-inflammatory that can help relieve arthritis and rheumatism.

4. Overcoming urinary tract infections
A study has addressed that asparagus racemosus have anti-urolithiatic that can help in curing urinary tract infections. Because it has diuretic properties, it's no wonder that eating asparagus can push the frequency and volume of urination.

5. Controlling blood sugar
Eating asparagus is able to control blood sugar levels because asparagus contains vitamin B high enough. So do not be surprised if this one vegetable that is very beneficial for diabetics.

6. Increasing milk production
For you who are breastfeeding the baby, it does not hurt to eat vegetables this one. Because, eating asparagus can increase milk production.

7. Protect your skin health
In the saved asparagus antioxidant called glutathione that is able to protect the skin from damage that occurs due to sun exposure.

8. Maintain eye and kidney health
When compared with white asparagus, green asparagus is known far more healthful. The trunk has a vitamin A content is high enough and it was very good for maintaining eye health. Potassium contained in it is very effective in maintaining healthy kidneys, as well as other minerals can improve the immune system so it is not easy to disease.

Thus I created this article to provide information on the "Health Benefits of Asparagus for Pregnant Women and breast-feed" may be able to give a good knowledge for the readers. If this article is pleased and feel good, would you to share this article via Facebook, Twitter (@D_Vegetarian) so your friends know this information.

Good Luck :)

Health benefits Of Eggplant for the Body and Beauty

Here Are Some Health benefits Of Eggplant  for the Body and Beauty (Healthy Heart, Helps Brain, Lose Weight/Diet, Controlling Blood Sugar Levels, The skin shine, Moisturize Scalp, Helps digestion)

What is Eggplant ?

Eggplant (Solanum melongena) or aubergine is a species of nightshade grown for its edible fruit. It is known in South Asia, Southeast Asia and South Africa as brinjal. While "eggplant" is the common name in American, Canadian, and Australian English, "aubergine" is much more common in British English. Other common names are melongene, garden egg, or guinea squash. The fruit is widely used in cooking, most notably as an important ingredient in dishes such as moussaka and ratatouille. As a member of the genus Solanum, it is related to both the tomato and the potato. It was originally domesticated from the wild nightshade species, the thorn or bitter apple, S. incanum, probably with two independent domestications, one in the region of South Asia, and one in East Asia.

Health benefits Of Eggplant  for the Body and Beauty

Here Are Some Eggplant benefits for the Body

Eggplant is a fun thing for vegetarians. In addition to being choice for different types of cuisine, also provides many benefits. Eggplant is used as a cooking purposes and include those belonging to the benefits of vegetables. Just like other colorful vegetables, vegetable also has a number of benefits to the body, such as the following:

1. Healthy Heart
Eggplant can lower cholesterol levels and also helps stabilize blood pressure levels. This in turn will reduce the risk of heart disease. The body also kept well hydrated thanks to the content of potassium in these vegetables. This ensures that no fluid retention which prevent coronary heart disease.
2. Helps Brain
Eggplant contains phytonutrients that keep the cell membrane that protects against all forms of damage. Facilitating the transfer of messages from one part to another, so as to preserve memory function.

3. Lose Weight
Eggplant is considered to contain high water content but low in calories. This makes the eggplant is ideal as a healthy food for people who want to lose weight. Chewy texture of vegetables that are characteristic of this kind is one of the foods should be eaten in raw form as much as possible

4. Helps digestion
Keeping a healthy digestive system contained in the eggplant for good fiber content. This will prevent constipation and colon cancer risk can also be eliminated.

5. Controlling Blood Sugar Levels
Eggplant is a very rich source of soluble fiber and low in carbohydrates. So eggplant is very useful to regulate blood sugar levels and control the absorption of glucose. Eggplant is the best food choice for people suffering from type 2 diabetes.

6. The skin shine
Eggplant contains high levels of water in high quantities. This will help your body and keep your body and skin hydrated. Mineral and vitamin also helps provide a good skin.

 7. Moisturize Scalp
Eggplant contains a number of minerals and vitamins that are good for providing nutrients to the scalp to remain healthy. This would avoid a number of problems related to the health of the scalp.

Eggplant benefits include everything intake is good for the body, make the eggplant as daily healthy your menu.

Sabtu, 12 September 2015

Health Benefits of Arugula (Eruca sativa) Vegetable

Did you know that, What are the medical Health Benefits of Arugula (Eruca sativa) Vegetable. Eruca sativa is an edible annual plant, commonly known as salad rocket, rucola, rucoli, rugula, colewort, roquette and, in the United States, arugula.

It is sometimes conflated with Diplotaxis tenuifolia, the perennial wall rocket, another plant of the Brassicaceae family, which in the past was used in the same manner. Eruca sativa, which is widely popular as a salad vegetable, is a species of Eruca native to the Mediterranean region, from Morocco and Portugal in the west to Syria, Lebanon and Turkey in the east. The Latin adjective sativa in the plant's binomial is derived from satum, the supine of the verb sero, meaning "to sow", indicating that the seeds of the plant were sown in gardens. Eruca sativa differs from E. vesicaria in having early deciduous sepals. Some botanists consider it a subspecies of Eruca vesicaria: E. vesicaria subsp. sativa. Still others do not differentiate between the two.

Read Also :
In addition to containing vitamins and substances that are very high, the arugula leaves was able to prevent vaginal discharge for women. This one is useful herbs to vegetables to be an ingredient in cosmetics and care of our body, delicious eaten raw as a salad at breakfast, lunch and dinner, also delicious fresh shrimp sauteed together and other vegetables.

Arugula leaf has two types of shapes, elongated roundish first type, the second type is long and winding like a dagger, a sense of both types are different, they have a spicy and slightly bitter taste.

Health benefits of an Eating Arugula (Eruca sativa)

Here are some Medical Health benefits of an Eating Arugula (Eruca sativa) vegetable
  • Contains a very high erucic
  • low calorie
  • Enriched with Vitamins A, B, C and K
  • calcium, folid acid, iron, magnesium, vitamin that nourishes the bones of porous
  • Contained fiber and sulforaphane, a powerful substance known to prevent cancer
  • High fillip with detoxifying enzymes in the body
  • Anticancer, antidiabetic, and antimicrobial
    Thus I created this article to provide information on the "Health Benefits of Arugula (Eruca sativa) Vegetable" may be able to give a good knowledge for the readers. If this article is pleased and feel good, would you to share this article via Facebook, Twitter so your friends know this information.