Jumat, 09 Oktober 2015

10 Amazing Benefits of Apple for Pregnant Women (During Pregnancy)

What are the 10 Amazing Benefits of Apple for Pregnant Women (During Pregnancy)

The apple tree (Malus domestica) is a deciduous tree in the rose family best known for its sweet, pomaceous fruit, the apple. It is cultivated worldwide as a fruit tree, and is the most widely grown species in the genus Malus. The tree originated in Central Asia, where its wild ancestor, Malus sieversii, is still found today. Apples have been grown for thousands of years in Asia and Europe, and were brought to North America by European colonists. Apples have religious and mythological significance in many cultures, including Norse, Greek and European Christian traditions.

Delicious and crunchy, apple fruit is one of the most popular and favorite fruits among the health conscious, fitness lovers who firmly believe in the concept of “health is wealth.” This wonderful fruit is packed with rich phyto-nutrients that, in the true sense, indispensable for optimal health. Certain antioxidants in apple have several health promoting and disease prevention properties, and thereby, truly justifying the adage, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

What are the health Benefits of Apple fruit ?

Here are some amazing health benefits of Apple fruit (Malus domestica) for Pregnant Women (During Pregnancy) :

1. Protection Against Asthma

The benefits of eating apples during pregnancy include protecting the unborn child against asthma attacks later in childhood. The exact reason for this is unclear, but eating apples during pregnancy are found to be efficient in providing this particular effect.

2. Anti-anaemic
Anaemia in pregnant women causes many problems like preterm labour and low birth weight for the foetus. Since apples are rich in iron content, it helps in fighting anaemia to keep the mother and baby healthy.

3. Prevent Wheezing
Wheezing is a symptom of asthma. Including apples in your diet during pregnancy will lower the risk of wheezing that your unborn child may suffer in his early childhood.

4. Detoxification
Mercury is a harmful substance to the foetus. So, pregnant women are advised to avoid food with mercury content. Apples are useful in cleansing and detoxifying your body from mercury and lead.

5. Promotes Digestion
Apples are rich sources of insoluble fibre. So, it is no wonder that eating apples during pregnancy help in promoting digestion and providing better metabolism in pregnant women. It also helps in reducing intestinal disorders.

6. Build Immunity

Our mothers would often advise us to eat apples to build immunity. This is applicable during pregnancy as well. Apples contain vitamin C, which helps to build immunity for both the mother and the unborn child.

7. Power Food
Apples are nature's own power food. The benefits of eating apples during pregnancy include providing the body with quick energy due to its carbohydrate content. An added benefit is that apples have very less calorie content.

8. Healthy Heart
Pregnant women run a risk of heartburn due to the high blood pressure and acidity. Eating apples during pregnancy ensures the health and strength of your heart and reduces the risk of heartburn.

9. Source Of Calcium
Calcium is a very important mineral needed during pregnancy for the proper development of bones in the foetus. Apples are rich sources of calcium and therefore must be included in your diet during pregnancy.

10. Apples against cancer
Benefits apples for pregnant women is as cancer-fighting fruit. According to some studies say that the content of some of the compounds in the seeds of apples able to fight cancer cells. The researchers say that people who like to consume and consume apples often have the potential to prevent cancer by 42Z%.

Thus I created this article to provide information on the "10 Amazing Benefits of Apple for Pregnant Women (During Pregnancy)" may be able to give a good knowledge for the readers. If this article is pleased and feel good, would you to share this article via Facebook, Twitter so your friends know this information.

Health Benefits of Pomegranate For Beauty and Your Body

Pomegranate fruit is one of the most popular, nutritionally rich fruit with unique flavor, taste, and heath promoting characteristics. Along with sub-arctic pigmented berries and some tropical exotics such as mango, it too has novel qualities of functional foods, often called as “super fruits.”

Botanically, it is a small size fruit-bearing deciduous tree belonging within the Lythraceae family, of genus: Punica. The fruit is thought to originate in the Sub-Himalayan range of North India. Scientific name: Punica granatum.

What are the amazing Health Benefits of Pomegranate for cancer, Antioxidants and protect DNA

Boost the immune system
Pomegranate and pomegranate juice boost immunity. Known pomegranate loaded with vitamin C.

Preventing and treating cancer

Pomegranate fruit has efficacy in preventing and treating various types of cancer. Studies in Israel show that pomegranate juice destroys breast cancer cells while allowing healthy cells. Pomegranate may also prevent the formation of breast cancer cells.

Fermented pomegranate seed extract is rich in polyphenols promote the recovery of leukemia cells back to normal.

Protecting liver and kidneys

Recent research suggests that pomegranate extract to prevent kidney damage and protect the kidney from harmful toxins. In addition, pomegranate also protects your heart and helps to regenerate damaged heart.

rich in Antioxidants
Recent research shows that pomegranate is rich in anthocyanidins are efficacious antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Pomegranate juice is said to have antioxidant greater than the "super foods" such as red wine, green tea and blueberries. Antioxidants fight free radicals which can damage cells. This cell damage associated with all kinds of diseases including cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer's.

protect DNA
Phytonutrients and antioxidants in pomegranates interact with the genetic material of the body to protect it.

Pomegranate is rich in polyphenols which have been shown to high doses reduces the biochemical processes associated with allergies.

Thus I created this article to provide information on the "Health Benefits of Pomegranate For Beauty and Your Body" may be able to give a good knowledge for the readers. If this article is pleased and feel good, would you to share this article via Facebook, Twitter (@D_Vegetarian) so your friends know this information.

Kamis, 08 Oktober 2015

13 Amazing Benefits of Asparagus For your Body and Healthy

13 Reasons Why You Need a Asparagus For your Body and Healthy

Asparagus officinalis is a spring vegetable, a flowering perennial plant species in the genus Asparagus. It was once classified in the lily family, like its Allium cousins, onions and garlic, but the Liliaceae have been split and the onion-like plants are now in the family Amaryllidaceae and asparagus in the Asparagaceae. Asparagus officinalis is native to most of Europe, northern Africa and western Asia, and is widely cultivated as a vegetable crop.

In general, 7 to 9 inches tall young shoots are harvested by either snapping or using a paring knife, cutting close to the ground level. There is no need to cut asparagus shoots far below the soil with a knife. This may injure other erupting buds on the crown. The stump that is left in the soil after snapping dries up and disintegrates. Warm weather would result in opening up of spear tip prematurely which may reduce their overall flavor and quality. Asparagus is normally harvested once a year for over 8 to 10 week period in a season.

White or blanched asparagus (spargel) spears are obtained by covering surrounding soil around the erupting shoots, depriving them of sunlight. This method, like in endive, makes the shoots turn pale through inhibition of photosynthesis. Oftentimes, its blanched spears are preferred in Europe due to their pleasant taste and delicate flavor.

What are the Health Benefits of asparagus For your Body and Healthy

1 Heart Health
Asparagus contains folate which is essential for a healthy cardiovascular system. Drink little asparagus juice mixed with honey three times a day can help strengthen a weak heart.

2 Natural Diuretics
Asparagus has a high content of potassium but low in sodium.
These minerals are combined with asparagine, an amino acid active, make asparagus effective as a natural diuretic.

Diuretics are very useful to reduce swelling during the premenstrual and bloating. Diuretics also help reduce irritability, fatigue, and depression.

3 Digestive Health
These vegetables are rich in minerals and carbohydrate called inulin that can not be digested.

But in the large intestine, inulin into food good bacteria such as Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli.

Therefore, intake of inulin (asparagus) increase the amount of good bacteria in the colon which prevents the growth of harmful bacteria.

4 Preventing birth defects
Folate, once again, become the key nutrients. Without adequate folate intake, the cells of the nervous system of the fetus will not develop optimally.

Therefore, asparagus intake helps reduce the chances of birth defects such as spina bifida and lower the chances of babies born with low weight.

5. Reduces blood acidity
Asparagus juice can help reduce the acidity of the blood and help dissolve kidney stones.

6 Anti-Inflammatory
Asparagus contains phytochemicals that produce anti-inflammatory effects that help relieve arthritis and rheumatism.

7 Rich in fiber
Regular consumption of asparagus increasing the frequency of bowel movements because it is rich in fiber.

8 Rich in antioxidants
Asparagus contains antioxidants that help prevent cancer and cataracts.

9 Controlling blood sugar
Asparagus helps control blood sugar levels making it useful for people with diabetes.

10 Helping chemotherapy
Asparagus enhance the success rate of chemotherapy.

11. detoxification agent
Asparagus is a detoxifying agent and can prevent urinary tract infections.

12. Increasing milk production
Asparagus is good for nursing mothers and helps the production of milk.

13. Relieve various diseases
Help treat HIV and multiple sclerosis as well as prevent scurvy and lung cancer.

thus I created this article to provide information on the "13 Amazing Benefits of Asparagus For your Body and Healthy" may be able to give a good knowledge for the readers. If this article is pleased and feel good, would you to share this article via Facebook, Twitter (@D_Vegetarian) so your friends know this information.

Amazing Benefits of Mango Fruit for Weight Loss (Diet)

What are the Amazing Benefits of Mango Fruit for Weight Loss (Diet)

The king of the fruits," mango fruit is one of the most popular, nutritionally rich fruits with unique flavor, fragrance, taste, and heath promoting qualities, making it numero-uno among new functional foods, often labeled as “super fruits."

Mango is one of the delicious seasonal fruits grown in the tropics. The tree is believed to be originating in the sub-Himalayan plains of Indian subcontinent. Botanically, this exotic fruit belongs within the family of Anacardiaceae, a family that also includes numerous species of tropical-fruiting trees in the flowering plants such as cashew, pistachio,...etc.

Mango Nutrition chart 

  • One cup of mangoes (225 gms contain) contains the following percentages that apply to daily value
  • 105 calories
  • 76 percent vitamin C (antioxidant and immune booster) 
  • 25 percent vitamin A (antioxidant and vision) 
  • 11 percent vitamin B6 plus other B vitamins (hormone production in brain and heart disease prevention) 
  • 9 percent healthy probiotic fibre 
  • 9 percent copper (copper is a co-factor for many vital enzymes plus production of red blood cells) 
  • 7 percent potassium (to balance out our high sodium intake) 
  • 4 percent magnesium

Amazing Benefits of Mango Fruit for Weight Loss (Diet)

Mango has a lot of vitamins and nutrients that help the body feel fuller. Also, the fibrous fruit boosts the digestive function of the body by burning additional calories, helping in weight loss. 

Mango Juice

Eating fresh mango could help you lose weight when dieting, but opting for mango juice may not have the same benefits. Juice is much higher in sugar than chopped fruit, which results in a higher calorie content. In addition, fruit juice contains little to no fiber and does not offer the same satiety benefits that eating fresh fruit does. Choosing fresh mango instead of mango juice is a smarter decision if you are trying to lose weight. If you do decide to have a glass of mango juice, stick to one portion and be sure to balance your calorie intake for the day so that you stay within a healthy number for weight loss.

Preparation and serving method

Wash mangoes in cold running water in order to remove dust/dirt and any surface chemical residue. Mop dry its outer skin using a soft cloth. Mango fruit should be eaten all alone without any seasonings/additions to experience its rich flavor.

Cut the fruit lengthwise into three pieces in such a way that the middle portion consists of husky seed. Then, slice through the skin to separate the skin from the pulp. Chop pulp into desired sections.

Alternatively, using a sharp knife, cut through the flesh on either side of the central seed (stone). This way, you get two big haves of a mango fruit and a central stone portion. Then, take one-half and score the flesh in a horizontal and vertical pattern taking care not to cut deep through skin. Invert the whole half to push out the cubes as shown in the picture below:

thus I created this article to provide information on the "Amazing Benefits of Mango Fruit for Weight Loss (Diet)" may be able to give a good knowledge for the readers. If this article is pleased and feel good, would you to share this article via Facebook, Twitter (@D_Vegetarian) so your friends know this information.

9 Amazing Health Benefits Eat Banana Fruit Every Day

9 Health Benefits of Banana fruit for your Body

A banana is an edible fruit, botanically a berry, produced by several kinds of large herbaceous flowering plants in the genus Musa.

Banana fruit itself has several types and diversity. One of the characteristics that is found on the skin of fruit, usually a banana skin has a yellow color when ripe, but there are some that are red, green, orange, and even almost black. But take it as any kind of banana that has benefits for our health

Nutrients in a banana, per serving :

  • Vitamin B6 – .5 mg
  • Manganese – .3 mg
  • Vitamin C – 9 mg
  • Potassium – 450 mg
  • Dietary Fiber – 3g
  • Protein – 1 g
  • Magnesium – 34 mg
  • Folate – 25.0 mcg
  • Riboflavin – .1 mg
  • Niacin – .8 mg
  • Vitamin A – 81 IU
  • Iron – .3 mg

Here are some Amazing Health benefits of banana fruit for your body :

1 Increase the body's energy
Bananas are known as one of the sources of energy for our bodies. Because this fruit contained in carbohydrate content. Besides bananas also contain natural sugars that can be converted into energy, some of the natural sugars, fructose, glucose, and sucrose.

2 Treatment of anemia
When the bananas consumed regularly can overcome anemia. This is because bananas contain iron that can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in our body.

3 Preventing a stroke
Stroke is one of the deadly diseases that are now more and more sufferers. Now that you avoid a stroke should be eating bananas regularly. Why? because the bananas are high in potassium, so as to keep your blood pressure.

4 Treating diarrhea
Bananas are able to normalize the digestive system in patients with diarrhea. In addition, the potassium content is high enough to make banana acts as an antibacterial. So the consumption of this fruit when you suffer from diarrhea to recover quickly.

5. Boost the immune system
Various vitamins in bananas make banana is able to improve the immune system of our body. One of the vitamins contained in this fruit that is vitamin C. Besides vitamin B6 in bananas helpful for antibody production.

6 Treating Acne
Bananas can be a natural face mask to get rid of acne. Namely how to apply ripe bananas that have been mashed on your face. Let stand for 15-30 minutes and then wash with water.

7 Digestion
The fiber content can be found in various fruits, papaya and banana is one fruit that is rich in fiber. Fiber content is very helpful to improve digestion in our bodies.

8 Helps lose weight
For those of you who are on a healthy diet of fruit never forget this one. The fiber content in this fruit can launch the metabolic processes in your body. In addition you will also get the energy that is obtained from natural sugar content. But make sure you do not process them into banana milk shakes, compote, and fried bananas.

9 For pregnant women
Banana benefits for pregnant women was quite a lot and you may not know. The banana should be consumed every day because they contain folic acid which is important for the perfection of your baby, helping the formation of new cells and preventing birth defects. You also can avoid morning sickness sick or in the morning because this fruit is able to keep blood sugar levels.

Thus I created this article to provide information on the "9 Amazing Health Benefits Eat Banana Fruit Every Day" may be able to give a good knowledge for the readers. If this article is pleased and feel good, would you to share this article via Facebook, Twitter (@D_Vegetarian) so your friends know this information.

8 Reasons Why You Need a Coconut (Coconut, Cocos nucifera Linn) for your body

Health Benefits of Coconut (Coconut, Cocos nucifera Linn)

You Know ! 8 Reasons Why You Need a Coconut (Coconut, Cocos nucifera Linn) for your body

The coconut tree (Cocos nucifera) is a member of the family Arecaceae (palm family). It is the only accepted species in the genus Cocos. The term coconut can refer to the entire coconut palm, the seed, or the fruit, which, botanically, is a drupe, not a nut. The spelling cocoanut is an archaic form of the word. The term is derived from 16th-century Portuguese and Spanish coco, meaning "head" or "skull", from the three indentations on the coconut shell that resemble facial features.

What are the Health Benefits of Coconut (Coconut, Cocos nucifera Linn)

The content of nutrients and phytonutrients
  • Vitamin C.
  • Folic acid.
  • Minerals iron, potassium / potassium, phosphorus, and calcium.
  • Fiber.
benefits of coconut
  • Dilute phlegm.
  • Streamlining the digestive tract and prevent constipation.
  • Overcoming urinary tract disorders.
1. Aids in Weight-loss Efforts.
The fat content in coconut water is extremely low, so generous quantities can be consumed without the fear of immediately packing on the pounds. It also suppresses the appetite and makes you feel full because of its rich nature.

2. Picture-Perfect Skin.
For those with acne or other blemishes on the surface of the skin, topical application of coconut water can go a great distance as it has the ability to clear up and subsequently tone the skin. It also moisturizes the skin from within if ingested orally and eliminates large amounts of oil. This explains why products such as facial creams, shampoos, conditioners and lotions that contain traces of coconut extract are more effective.

3. The Ultimate Hangover Remedy.
Next time you overdo it and drink more than your belly can handle, consume coconut water to settle your stomach. It will also replace those essential electrolytes that exit the body if you experience bouts of frequent urination and vomiting.

4. Facilitates Digestion.
If you constantly encounter difficulty during the digestion process, coconut water may provide a source of relief. Because of its high concentration of fiber, it aids in the prevention of indigestion and reduces the occurrence of acid reflux.

5. Boosts Hydration.
The ingredients in coconut water are way more effective at hydrating the human body than those of sports and energy drinks. During rigorous exercise or extended periods of physical activity, the human body loses mineral-rich fluids. However, coconut water serves as an excellent replacement medium with 294 mg of potassium and 5 mg of natural sugar per glass, unlike your favorite sports drink that only contains half of the potassium content and five times the amount of processed sugar. In addition, the sodium count is only 25 mg, which is relatively low compared to the 41 and 20 mg found in sports drinks and energy drinks respectively.

6. Reduces Blood Pressure.
In many instances, a disproportionate level of electrolytes can result in high blood pressure. Because coconut water contains an adequate supply of each, it can be used as a balancing mechanism. In some instances, it is recommended that coconut water be consumed at the start of each day to foster the balance of these electrolytes.

7. Rich in Nutrients.
Unlike any other beverage on the market, coconut water contains five essential electrolytes that are present in the human body. These include: calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and sodium. Because of its unique composition, coconut water can be enjoyed by individuals with varying medical conditions.

8. Compatible with Human Blood.
Since it is isotonic to human plasma, coconut water can be used in extreme emergencies to quickly rehydrate the human body if administered intravenously. It is not uncommon for the drink to be used in poorer, third-world countries to save human lives.

thus I created this article to provide information on the "8 Reasons Why You Need a Coconut (Coconut, Cocos nucifera Linn) for your body" may be able to give a good knowledge for the readers. If this article is pleased and feel good, would you to share this article via Facebook, Twitter (@D_Vegetarian) so your friends know this information.